My Mini Store

Well I've always love miniature things. Take note only
things. It's a start of something Big for me I hope &
I will strive to make it so.
In fact I did not start this way. I have a small tent, the
smallest in a group of 20, that's when I joined a church
bazaar inside our village last year. That same year I
joined another bazaar & kinda like the feeling that
people love & appreciate what we make.
So now more that ever I want to rough it out & let
myself experience the joys & trials having my
own biz. Wish me Luck & May I Keep Up
the Jolly Countenance, In spite of it all ;))

new location. . .hehehehehe . Plus my assistant is
trying to act cute by hiding behind the shelves.
When I took this picture I was also wondering
if I need to add more shelves. Because
some of my items cannot fit in these
two anymore.